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Make Money from Micro Niche Sites in Pakistan

earn Money from Micro Niche Sites in Pakistan

You know that you can make money from micro niche sites in Pakistan with little effort. Building an authority website is a very difficult thing to do specially after so much Google updates here and there but micro niche websites are very easy to setup and target. If you don’t know about these blog types than here is a quick introduction of it.

Unlike news websites where you will find each and every stuff about daily life niche blogs are one with very limited or specific topic. Like how to cook a Biryani or how to get 6 pack abs etc. You don’t need to write hundreds and thousands of articles on these blogs because you don’t need to. An average micro niche blog contains 5 to 20 articles per site which means you can easily create 50 to 100 blogs if you want to earn decent amount of money.

Keyword Research

First step to create micro niche sites is to find the right keyword to target and in SEO world it is known as Keyword research. Obviously we will not target high competition keywords, for this we will target long tail keywords with low competition and high Adsense cost per click. For this most blogger use Long Tail Prowhich is an amazing software and cost you only $97 with life time license. Just pick any niche of your interest and find the right long tail keyword with competition less than 35 form this software.

Buy Hosting & Domain

If you are planning to dig-in into this field than its good idea to buy hosting with unlimited bandwidth, storage and domains. I will refer Hostgator Baby plan for this purpose which will cost you around $80 for one year. For each domain you purchase you have to spend $10.

Buy or Write Articles

Next step would be to write quality articles, if you are a good write than write it for your self otherwise you can any time hire a writer and pay money for it. Normally you can write 20 articles in $50 it depends on article words and research.

Create Blog

Now that you have all the things necessary to build your blog it time to put it all together. I would recommended you WordPress for this matter. You can easily install it into you hosting plan by using a small application located in your hosting cPanel named as “Fantastico deluxe”. After installation publish your first article and schedule the remaining articles on daily basis.


Last but not least is the SEO part so that you can rank your blog on the first page of Google. If you have done your keyword research effectively and find the right keyword than you may not need any strong SEO but if your keyword competition is little high than you have to build quality links in order to outrank other sites.
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