Sharing internet in Windows XP is not a difficult thing to do but for creating HotSpot you need third party software. This is because older version’s does not have the functionality of Virtual router which you will find in Windows 7 and upcoming versions. If you want to share internet on Windows 7 or 8 than read my other article. For this you also don’t need any extra hardware like router or any thing else. Just use the existing Wi-Fi capability of your laptop or if you have desktop computer than you can buy wireless adapter which is easily available in the market and very cheap as well.
Remember you cannot share Windows XP internet directly but there is a indirect way through which you can share it. For this you need to download and install CCProxy software. This tiny little software will convert your computer into proxy so that you can create network of your computers and access internet.
Now you need to change the proxy settings on each and every computer in your network including the smartphones and tablets etc. You can easily do it by going through your browser settings page and find the LAN tab. There change the settings provided by your software and click OK button.
In order to create HotSpot you need a laptop or computer running Microsoft Windows 7 andConnectify software in it. Just connect your XP computer with Windows 7 computer via CCProxy software and share the internet on every wireless device.
Download CCProxy Software
Change settings on your browser as well.
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