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Make Quick Money with Micro Jobs


Make Quick Money with Micro Jobs and live happy. Money buy’s you every thing, without it life is useless. Earning money online is not difficult now days and everyone seems to learning the art of online business. One of the big ways to earn money online in Pakistan is through micro jobs or mini jobs also called minute workers. These types of jobs are very common and require no experience or less experience. That’s why these jobs are getting popular day by day and many website have starting to offer mini jobs. Some of the examples of micro jobs are Microworkers.com,Clickchores.com and Peopleperhour.com.

What are Micro Jobs?

The best part about making money with micro jobs is that these jobs can be finish in less than 3 minutes and you don’t need to know any programming skills or to be tech junkie to do these jobs. You can easily make some bucks from 5 to 10 dollars daily if you devote some time to these jobs. Initially may be you will not able to do lots of jobs but with time you will learn the art and can make lots of money in no time.

How to start these Jobs.

To start with you just have to signup with minute workers and verify your account via your email. After verification you will be able to start doing mini jobs. Many websites pay you first time bonus of 1 dollar into your account so that you can start your own campaign if you want to. There are mainly two types of menu in these websites. One is for employer and other is for workers. If you want to earn easy money via online surveys than you should choose workers menu and start earning by doing micro jobs that are available to you.
You can also start your own campaign if you want to hire someone to do some job for you. Starting campaign is very easy just go to campaign menu and select how many workers do you want to hire and want amount you want to pay them. After that give your campaign a name and in description write down what you want with your workers. You can tell them step by step what to do and after that write down proof of your task in the proof area. Admin will review your task within 24 hours and approve it if your task meets the term and conditions of the website.

What I have to do?

So what type of jobs you accept from these websites. Well you will be ask to do very easy jobs like Facebook fan-page like, Digg some articles, Write some small articles, Tweet some websites, link back to someone’s website, post comment on other blogs, Rate YouTube videos, Forum postings, search websites in Google or Bing, creating Gmail Id’s, YouTube Id’s, Hotmail Id’s, free signup on websites and much more. These are just a few examples of micro jobs and there can be more types of jobs available to you.

How to withdraw money?

Now you have earn money with micro jobs, its time to withdraw your earnings. Remember you can always convert your bucks into campaign balance so that you can start your own campaign with your amount. But if you have decided to cash out than you can with draw your amount via Paypal, Payza, MoneyBookers or via check. There is also a cash-out limit on each website from 5 to 10 dollars. You have to earn at least 5 or 10 dollars in order to cash out. After that you can request your cash out and your money will be paid with in 7 days after your request. Some websites pay only 15th and 30th of every month. Some website will send pin code on to your home address so that they can verify that you are not maintaining more than one account.
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